National Scenic Area

columbia river gorge

Maps & GIS Data

The Gorge Commission works closely with partner organizations to develop and maintain spatial data that informs planning, monitoring, and project development. The National Scenic Area is a diverse landscape – our GIS staff coordinates with various partner organizations to ensure our data reflects the best available information.

Utilize our interactive maps to navigate the complexities of land ownership and land use designations and to understand the scenic, natural, cultural, recreational, and economic resources that we protect.

The Columbia River Gorge Commission manages spatial data sets that may be available to you for planning purposes. To request shapefiles or other data formats, please contact the GIS Coordinator at 509.493.3323 x223 or

The Columbia River Gorge Commission data, information, and maps are provided “as is” without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. This information is intended for general planning purposes and is not intended for site specific planning or analysis. Original data was compiled from various sources and should be verified with those sources. Spatial information may not meet National Map Accuracy Standards. The user acknowledges and accepts all limitations, including the fact that the data, information, and maps are dynamic and in a constant state of maintenance, correction and update.

Management Plan Maps:

The Management Plan utilizes three principal maps (click to download):

The scale and resolution of the downloaded maps may not be sufficient to determine the characteristics of a specific parcel.  The interactive maps below are better suited for that task.

Urban Area Boundaries

Explore the 13 Urban Areas in the NSA

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Landuse Designations

Find the land use (zoning) designation of your property

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Landscape Settings

Find the landscape setting of your property

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Recreation Intensity Classes

Indicates suitability for present and future recreational uses

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Public Ownership

Find state, local, and federally owned land in the NSA

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